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Thursday, January 31, 2008

On Cask as of 01/31/2008

Here is what is on and if possible what is on deck if it kicks:

Iron Hill - Phoenixville:  American IPA; on deck: London Porter
Iron Hill - Wilmington:  Bourbon Vanilla Porter; on deck more BVP
TJ's:  Victory Hop Devil
Exton Drafting Room:  Victory Storm King
Teresa's Next Door:  Yards Philly Pale Ale and Sly Fox Burns Scottish Ale
Ortino's Northside:  Victory Hop Wallop
Flying Pig Saloon:  Wychwood Hobgoblin

Real Ale Fest Update

I talked via email with Steve a Yards today and he was able to give me a list of those who have confirmed already:

Flying Fish
Iron Hill
Sly Fox
Nodding Head
Dock Street
Stewart's Brewing

There will most likely be plenty more.  More info as we get closer.   Details on the event are posted below a couple days ago.

Iron Hill - Phoenixville 01/31/2008

I recieved an e-mail from Tim Stumpf the Head Brewer at Iron Hill Phoenixville today.  He says on the pump right now is the American IPA which is about to kick.  Next upare the following:  London Porter, Vanilla Porter, and American Porter, one cask of each that is put on when the other is finished.  If you would like to know exactly is on give a call over and ask they will be happy to help (610.983.9333).

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

On the Engines 01/30/2008

Here is what I saw today:

TJ's:  Victory Hop Devil, Lindemans Framboise
Iron Hill - Wilmington:  Bourbon Vanilla Porter
Exton Drafting Room:  Victory Storm King
Spring House Drafting Room:  Victory Hop Devil
Grey Lodge Pub:  Victory Storm King
Ortino's Northside:  Victory Hop Wallop

Philly Beer Week Real Ale Festival

Well it is finally final.  The Real Ale Festival will be held at Triumph since the new Yards is not quite ready.  Here is the info from :

Real Ale Festival Sponsored by Yards Brewing Company and Triumph Brewing Company
At Triumph Brewing Company, 117 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Sunday, March 16th, 2008, 1:00 P.M – 4:00 P.M.

The Philadelphia Real Ale Festival is the culmination of Philly Beer Week. This event will centralize multiple breweries and showcase ales crafted in a very unique way. Real ale is live beer that is allowed to naturally ferment in a cask. This allows for subtle flavors and aromas while providing the freshest beer possible.

Come on out and support your local brewers of cask ale.  I will be posting more info as it comes closer to the event.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Iron Hill - Wilmington

I got word that Iron Hill - Wilmington just put a cask of Bourbon Vanilla Porter (it is their Pig Iron Porter aged in bourbon barrels with whole vanilla beans) on their engine. I will have to stop by tomorrow after work for a pint.  They have a couple firkins of that and then their Iron Bound APA will take its turn.  In the near future Bourbon Vanilla Oatmeal Stout (oatmeal stouts are suited for hand pump IMO),  Old Tom Barleywine, and Bourbon Russian.  The brewers at Iron Hill - Wilmington do a great job.  If you made it to Belgium comes to West Chester they brought the Cannibal Noctornum.  Please check out their website for more info:

Sunday, January 27, 2008

What I saw on Sunday 01/27/2008

Here are a couple of the engines I passed by on Sunday:

Victory:  Hop Devil and Storm King
Exton Drafting Room:  Victory Storm King
Gen. Lafayette:  Chocolate Thunder and Churchill's Mild
TJ's:  Victory Hop Devil
Grey Lodge: Victory Storm King
Ortino's:  Victory Hop Wallop

Saturday, January 26, 2008

On Cask on as of Fri. 01/25/08

Here is what I saw on Thursday and Friday:

Victory:  Hop Devil, Storm King
Sly Fox:  Gang Aft Agley, Burn's Scottish Ale (won't last the night)
Teresa's Next Door:  Troegs Hopback, Victory Hop Wallop
Ortino's Northside:  Hop Wallop
Iron Hill Wilmington:  Russian Imp. Stout
TJ's:  Hop Devil

New Cask Ale Locater

Hi my name is Kevin and I am start this blog to help those in the Philadelphia area find bars that serve cask ale and try to keep what the are serving updated as frequently as possible.  I will start with bars in the MontCo and ChesCo areas first but then hope to move into the city.