Here's what's on today:
Grey Lodge - Weyerbacher Hops Infusion
Dawson Street - Weyerbacher Hops Infusion, Yards Love Stout, and Yards General Washington Tavern Porter
Standard Tap – Sly Fox Standard Ale (brewed with WilliamReed)
Johnny Brenda's - Sly Fox Standard Ale (brewed with William Reed) and Yards ESA
London Grill – Victory Hop Devil
700 Club –Cricket Hill Col. Blides Bitter and Yards ESA
Memphis Taproom - Beer Engine coming soon
Iron Hill - Wilmington - Pig Iron Porter with Dry Hopped Ironbound on deck.
Delaware Co.
Teresa's Next Door -Troegs Nugget Nectar and Weyerbacher Hops Infusion
Chester Co.
SLY FOX - PHO - Rt. 113 IPA
Iron Hill - Phoenixville - Dry Hopped Ironbound Ale
Iron Hill – West Chester – American Brown Ale
Flying Pig – Weyerbacher Hops Infusion
Exton Drafting Room – Victory Hop Devil
TJ’ s – Victory Hop Devil and Lindemans Framboise
Half Moon - Victory Hop Devil, Troegs Hop Back Amber Ale, and Yards ESA
Montgomery Co.
General Lafayette - Chocolate Thunder and Sunset Red (Mix it for a Red Velvet)
Rock Bottom - KoP - None
Ortino's Northside - Nada
Springhouse Drafting Room - Victory Hop Devil
Chris "Lappy" LaPierre, RIP. 1971-2024
6 months ago
Hey There,
This is a great list of beer engines around the area. I have to point out though - none of the Yards products are cask conditioned and neither is the Hop Devil. Not sure about the Weyerbacher but I doubt it. Heck - the Yards is being brewed by the Lion in Wilkes Barre and ALL of the beer coming out of the Lion is pasteurized.
Still, this is a comprehensive list of beer engines.
I know that there are a lot of places that are hooking up kegs to the handpump. The Hop Devil at the Drafting Room is legit. The Yards products will be legit again when they re-open. The Weyerbacher Hops Infusion I am assumming are leftovers from the open house and were doled out to the the few places that currently or just recently had them.
I don't ask the owners of these places if I can chack their cellars to make sure that they have their handpumps hooked up to casks. I have been in a few and know for certain what the are pumping.
Please feel free to e-mail with any questions or other info that you have.
Thanks for checking out the page,
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