Grey Lodge - Troegs HopBack Amber Ale
Dawson Street - Closed for remodeling
Standard Tap – Victory Hop Devil and Victory Hop Wallop
Johnny Brenda's - Yards ESA
London Grill – Victory Hop Devil
700 Club –Victory Uncle Teddy's Bitter and Yards ESA
Memphis Taproom - Victory Hop Wallop
Nodding Head - something
Iron Hill - Wilmington - Bourbon Barleywine
Delaware Co.
Teresa's Next Door - Sly Fox Styrian IPA (2008 IPA Project) and Sly Fox Pheonix Rt. 113 IPA
Chester Co.
Exton Drafting Room - Victory Hop Devil
Victory Brewing Co. - Hop Devil, Storm King, Uncle Teddy's Bitter, and Hop Wallop
Iron Hill - Phoenixville - Nothing
Iron Hill – West Chester – Ironbound APA
Flying Pig – Thomas Hooker IPA
TJ’ s – Cricket Hill Col. Blide's Bitter and Lindemans Framboise
Half Moon - Victory Hop Devil, Troegs Hop Back Amber Ale, and Yards ESA
Montgomery Co.
Rock Bottom - KoP - Puggle Porter (ProAm beer that is quite tasty)
General Lafayette - East Coast IPA (delicious) and Pacific Pale Ale
Ortino's Northside - Sly Fox Rt. 113 IPA
Spring House Drafting Room - Victory Hop Wallop and tomorrow a firkin of River Horse Hop Hazard
New Jersey
The Ship Inn - Golden Wheat, Mild, Best Bitter, IPA, and ESB.
Farther Out in PA
Zeno's (State College) - Troegs HopBack, Victory Hop Devil, and Otto's Best Bitter
Piper' Pub (Pittsburgh) - East End Pedal Pale Ale
Other News and Events:
Sly Fox Phoenixville will be having its Pub Ale (think Boddington's but fresh and more flavorful) on the handpump for this month Third Friday Firkin (Aug. 15th). If you haven't been to Sly Fox in a couple of weeks I would recommend heading over as they have 5 new brews on and two are first time brews and one is the Anniversary IPA Project beer.
If you miss the Sly Fox Pub Ale at the Third Friday Firkin Fest you can grab some at The Memphis Taproom. This will be their Saturday firkin and will be tapped at about 11 AM.
The Thursday Night Social Club will be meeting again to watch the Birds.
Bryan is giving lessons on RSS.
Chris "Lappy" LaPierre, RIP. 1971-2024
7 months ago
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